Mon - Fri: 7:30am - 5:30pm
Sat & Sun: By appointment

Equipment Rental
More new equipment to come soon
Compact track loader
We have new Case TV370B compact track loaders available for rent Rates are
$450.00 daily
$1350.00 weekly
$4050.00 monthly
all include delivery and pickup fee
We have deere 450J dozer 6 way blade available for rent Rates are
$550.00 daily
$1650.00 weekly
$4950.00 monthly
All include delivery and pickup fee
Root grapple rake
We have Blue diamond Root grapple rakes available as a Skid steer attachment Rates are
$150.00 daily
$450.00 weekly
$1350.00 monthly
We have Paladin auger Drive attachments available for rent with bits available for an additional fee Rates are
$100.00 daily
$300.00 weekly
$900.00 monthly
Mini excavator
We have new Hitachi ZX26U mini excavators available for rent Rates are
$300.00 daily
$900.00 weekly
$2700.00 monthly
all include delivery and pickup fee
We have scissor lifts now available for rent Rates are
$140.00 daily
$420.00 weekly
$1260.00 monthly
All include pickup and delivery fee
We have 78" tooth/rock buckets available for rent as a skid steer attachment Rates are
$75.00 daily
$225.00 weekly
$675.00 monthly
Skid Steer Trencher
We have 6"X36" Dirt teeth trencher available for rent as a skid steer attachment Rates are
$175.00 daily
$525.00 weekly
$1575.00 monthly
Mid size excavators
We have new Case CX60C Mid size excavators available for rent Rates are
$400.00 daily
$1200.00 weekly
$3600.00 monthly
all include delivery and pickup fee
We have 4WD extend boom backhoes available for rent Rates are
$350.00 daily
$1050.00 weekly
$3150.00 monthly
All include pickup and delivery fee
We have ski buckets available for rent as a skid steer attachment Rates are
$75.00 daily
$225.00 weekly
$675.00 monthly
We have 6 inch, 9 inch, and 12 inch auger dirt bits available for rent with auger Rates are
$15.00 daily
$45.00 weekly
$135.00 monthly
What is the Rental Protection Plan?
The Rental Protection Plan (RPP) is a program offered by Double J Equipment Repair that enables customers to reduce their potential financial liability on rental equipment if it is stolen or damaged. The RPP is NOT insurance. The RPP covers only the rental equipment (physical loss). The customer is always responsible for liability occurring from the use of the equipment (harm to persons, other property, and environment).
How much does the RPP cost?
The fee for the RPP is 15% of the rental amount.
What is the RPP Deductible?
The deductible is 20% of the Repair / Replacement cost on Covered Events and Damage.
What if I don’t want the RPP?
All rental customers automatically elect the RPP and owe the RPP fee UNLESS the customer provides proof of insurance coverage (See Reverse Side).
What is covered?
• Wear caused by normal operating conditions
• Theft and vandalism, as long as customer has made a reasonable effort to keep the equipment in a safe environment
• Incidents that cause damage that are outside the customer’s reasonable care, custody, and control
• All covered incidents are subject to the deductible shown under Customer Responsibility on the Rental Contract
What is not covered?
Negligence and abuse are not covered. Double J Equipment Repair personnel will determine if the loss and / or damage of any rented item(s) was caused by customer negligence or abuse. If, in the opinion of Double J Equipment Repair personnel, the damage or loss was due to customer’s negligence or abuse, the customer is solely responsible to bring the rented item(s) back to their original condition or pay for the item if it is deemed damaged beyond repair.
What is negligence?
Negligence is the failure to exercise the care that a reasonably prudent person would take in similar circumstances. Examples of negligence and abuse are:
• When the equipment is hit by falling debris
• When the equipment is used on a slope that causes the unit to roll over
• When the equipment is used in an environment with debris in the air, that requires the screen over the radiator to be cleaned and the customer does not keep it clean
• Broken windows, flat tires and unreasonable tire and track damage
• When the equipment is operated or stored in a way that causes it to become submerged or partially submerged
This is not an exhaustive list of examples.
When speaking to your insurance company, please request a Certificate of Insurance (COI) that contains the following:
1. Insured Customer: Your name and address
2. Certificate Holder: Double j Equipment Repair LLC, 5886 North State Hwy 78, Bonham, TX 75418
3. Additional Insured: Double J Equipment Repair LLC
4. Loss Payee: Double J Equipment Repair LLC
5. Policy number for contractors equipment coverage
6. Effective / Expiration dates of coverage
7. Rental Equipment coverage equal to or greater than the value of the equipment rented
If your insurance agent has any questions, please have them call 903-449-4228. Certificates can be mailed to our Headquarters location at: Double j Equipment Repair LLC, 5886 North State Hwy 78, Bonham, TX 75418 or emailed to shenderson@doublejequipmentrepair.com
Like what you see? Get in touch to learn more.